april 2010. man this month is nuts. so much happening.
Where to begin?
Just finished a massive production over the past week for a new video series which will incorporate still images into a series of moving images. The team we had was incredible and each person truly brought something unique to the table. Currently the video and stills are in editing mode, while the music is in production mode. But, this is an excellent opportunity to give a shout-out to everyone that helped, thank you again.
Stylist: Katharine Polk (www.katharinepolk.com) and her assistant Wendy brought on the craziest looks, all which fit the story!
Hair: Melissa Paldino, banged out like 15 hair looks (male / female) solo, absolutely amazing.
Makeup: Yuko Takahashi (www.yukomakeup.com) and her two assitants Angelique and Seevon, produced beautiful makeup, person after person.
I also wanted to thank all of the talent, all of the girls from Wilhelmina, Yvonne, Danna, Alena, Melena (you guys did an amazing job), along with Roland, Lucas, and Laurent (thanks for all of the help).
From the production end, I wanted to thank David, Areg, and Tino (wanna build a camera rig that'll go through the middle of the staircase, in 3 hours, then fly to torronto at 5am? SURE, let's do it). Without you guys, we would have needed 3 weeks to pull off what we did.
As always, Clifford Hausner from the Mac Group came through with the Profoto 8a's, which once again proved that nothing lights faster.
Also, if you ever need cine lights (Arri DP kit, or Lowell DP kit), get at my friend Ben Weber, incredible price, and all of the gear is BRAND NEW.
Lastly, I wanted to thank Kelly, Camila, Ronnie and Myriam for making all of this possible.
Here are some photos from the last two weeks, including some behind the scenes shots.

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